KR Fuels



Savings in LPG over Petrol   39.31 %
Today's Fuel Price in Tiruchirappalli
Auto-LPG        Rs.61.48/lit.
Petrol             Rs.101.31/lit.
Diesel             Rs.92.99/lit.
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KR Fuels
KR Fuels
is now

K.R Trans Fuels Private Limited



Today's Fuel Price in Tiruchirappalli
Auto-LPG         Rs.61.48/lit.
Petrol              Rs.101.31/lit.
Diesel              Rs.92.99/lit.
Savings in LPG over Petrol

39.31 %

in Tiruchirappalli, TN
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It’s an add-on service to our customer dealt with

Veedol lubricants

Type of the lubricants Quantity
Turbo star 20 W 50 – LPG/CNG 500 ml pack 1 ltr pack 3 ltrs pack
Take off 2T Selling through oil dispenser in loose as per Customer requirement in retail through outlets


Lubricant is a thin film, generally composed of 70% base oil and 30% additives which helps to

  1. Lubricate - reduce friction, engine wear and to reduce fuel consumption
  2. Clean - piston varnish, “Deposit Sludge” in sump
  3. Protect - acid corrosion, rust
  4. Cool & seal


  1. Better mileage
  2. High performance
  3. Less maintenance cost
  4. Longer engine life
  5. Engine runs smoothly