KR Fuels



Savings in LPG over Petrol   39.31 %
Today's Fuel Price in Tiruchirappalli
Auto-LPG        Rs.61.48/lit.
Petrol             Rs.101.31/lit.
Diesel             Rs.92.99/lit.
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KR Fuels
KR Fuels
is now

K.R Trans Fuels Private Limited



Today's Fuel Price in Tiruchirappalli
Auto-LPG         Rs.61.48/lit.
Petrol              Rs.101.31/lit.
Diesel              Rs.92.99/lit.
Savings in LPG over Petrol

39.31 %

in Tiruchirappalli, TN
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Started at

KR Fuels established its very first Auto LPG Dispensing Station (ALDS) in the year 2007

Our Motto

KR Trans Fuels Pvt Ltd has taken upon itself the task of educating the public that use of Auto LPG in passenger vehicles is as safe as it can be and the ill effects of using Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) used for cooking in passenger vehicles. Every effort is being taken to dispel the apprehensions of people in using Auto LPG in their vehicles.

Why do people choose us?

KR Trans Fuels Pvt Ltd Auto LPG is an Eco friendly automotive fuel and that it is lot cheaper than petrol, saving them 40% in their fuel expense and emitting less carbon particles than petrol.

Our Achievement

KR Trans Fuels Pvt Ltd now has 76 Auto LPG stations and some more in pipeline across Tamil Nadu and expanding its reach to the other states also.